toe yuen中文什么意思

发音:   用"toe yuen"造句
  • toe:    n. 脚趾,脚尖;〔口语〕脚;(鞋、 ...
  • yuen:    然; 宛婉琬苑菀怨袁远阮元完原源缘园 ...
  • toe in:    内向偏斜安装; 前端内倾; 前束
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  1. In this regard , although i wouldn t say director toe yuen and scriptwriter brian tse s approach is a failure , it is nevertheless obvious that the metaphorical messages behind the story are heavier than what they can handle . perhaps the story background is too light and whimsical , or that the running time of the movie is too short , throughout the movie , it is never easy for the audience to digest everything and grasp the meanings easily in the first viewing ( yes , if you want to enjoy every bit of the movie , repeated viewing is recommended )


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  6. toe-ball 什么意思
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  8. toe-clip 什么意思
  9. toe-crack 什么意思
  10. toe-end 什么意思


父亲写给哈佛毕业生女儿的信:永远真实地活着! (双语)

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